Valley SmurfsCups
Find all information about the Valley SmurfsCups here.

On this part of the website you can find everything about the SmurfsCups on Valley, which are organized by our TrackMania Valley adminteam.

Valley SmurfsCup #260

Tue. 06th August
20:00 CEST
0 00 00 00
days hours mins secs

Valley SmurfsCup #261

Tue. 20th August
20:00 CEST
0 00 00 00
days hours mins secs

How to participate?

1.Check the playdates;
2.Train the cupmaps;
3.Join the server and play!

Valley SmurfsCup #259

Tue. 23rd July
20:00 CEST
1st - Saze
2nd - KOBOIS Marius89
3rd - Minimarine

Valley SmurfsCup #258

Tue. 09th July
20:00 CEST
1st - Saze
2nd - Minimarine
3rd - ƪεѻ 

Valley SmurfsCup #257

Tue. 18th June
20:00 CEST
1st - Saze
2nd - Minimarine
3rd - Solide ZeehondSmurf

Current mappool

The following maps are in the current mappool for the SmurfsCups on Valley:

Mapname: Kulumunu
Author: juliusoctopus

Mapname: Nibor The Greatest
Author: threading

Mapname: KEKL - The Mouse Path
Author: dr.eugene

Mapname: Nocturne (ft Cxom & nervousWillow)
Author: eyebo

Mapname: SioulB's Tech #14
Author: sioulb

Mapname: Valley-Fun 148
Author: zarock

Mapname: VMS Endless Summer 24-9
Author: tomhellrider1966