Valley SmurfsCup #263
Tue. 24th September (20:00 CEST)
This cup starts in:
0 00 00 00
days hours mins secs

Because this is an upcoming cup, there isn't much information to share on this page. This page will be constantly updated with new information during the SmurfsCups. You can always check the Live Rankings-page for more detailed rankings during the SmurfsCup.

Current mappool

The following maps are in the current mappool for the SmurfsCups on Valley:

Mapname: Dag
Author: rachovolker

Mapname: Countryside Cornucopia (ft ItzMarceline)
Author: eyebo

Mapname: Flibberwhomple
Author: juliusoctopus

Mapname: Matlok
Author: dr.eugene

Mapname: A Dinotastically Nice Amble
Author: teslaman

Mapname: Feel The Tears
Author: threading

Mapname: mx Crew on Valley
Author: mx_community